
Enter Beamswap v3, the next-gen DeFi hub on the Moonbeam Network.

Beamswap v3 Documentation is in the process of updating. For more latest news and guides, please refer to the Beamswap Medium publication.

Beamswap v3 is a decentralized exchange and DeFi hub that utilizes the concentrated liquidity market maker (CLMM) protocol to power transactions.

Topped with advanced liquidity management features, Beamswap v3 delivers greater capital efficiency and better exchange and earning opportunities for every user.

Experience the next generation of DeFi on app.beamswap.io.

On Beasmwap v3, you can perform instant peer-to-peer transactions and earn rewards for supplying liquidity and asset staking.

Beamswap further supports the growth of the Moonbeam ecosystem by acting as a launchpad for new projects on the network. Following the multichain vision of Polkadot, Beasmwap v3 works alongside ecosystem partners with advanced infrastructure solutions to deliver a supreme and cross-chain DeFi experience.

Continuing the legacy of Beamswap v2, the current platform keeps supporting AMM protocol to power certain asset swaps and liquidity pools.

Moonbeam-based DEX

Beamswap v3 relies on the Moonbeam Network to power core DeFi services and features.

Moonbeam is an EVM-compatible Polkadot parachain that merges the simplicity and adaptability of Ethereum smart contracts with the scalability of Polkadot.

In the Moonbeam ecosystem, Beamswap is one of the first movers offering DeFi services to the crypto community and adding an important share to the evolution of the Polkadot space.

With cross-chain integrations, Moonbeam facilitates interoperability and supports the decentralized aspect of the Beamswap platform. The on-chain governance allows for streamlined management and implementation of feature changes and upgrades through user collaboration.

Moonbeam’s low gas fees make Beamswap services more affordable compared to other networks, while its high scalability facilitates further expansion and sustains the ever-evolving user demands.

Last updated