Advanced Trading

Switch to Advanced Trading to expand on asset trading options with improved charting tools, order and liquidity history, limit orders, and a list of open orders.

Go to You can also find it in the Beamswap app in the top menu under Exchange > Swap > "Turn on Advanced Trading" button below the token pair chart.

Core features

Navigate listed assets and trade them using advanced tools powered by TradingView.

Search token pair

In the top search field, find the token pair by symbol name, contract, or individual token, or simply choose from the drop-down list.

Top tokens

Right below the search field, check out the top tokens on Beamswap and their real-time market values.

Trading chart and tools

Powered by TradingView, trading charts and tools represent the core instruments and features for an optimal trading experience.


On the right-hand side of the screen, you can exchange tokens in seconds or add liquidity to the pool.

Trade history

Right below the Exchange/Liquidity field, the Trade History lists the latest trades on Beamswap in USD, USDC, and WGLMR values.

Last updated